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The Fitter Futures Blog

Slam Dunk!

Strength is to a player what petrol or electricity is to a car. It powers every jump, fuels each dash across the court and reinforces those stunning three-pointers. But often it’s overlooked or misunderstood. Surely the swift dunks, laser-accurate shots, and lightning-fast sprints are purely talent-driven. Yet there’s an unsung hero in this symphony of skill – strength. Strength training is key for basketball players to improve their game.

Myth Busting: Weightlifting Does NOT Stunt Growth

Will weightlifting stunt my teenager’s growth? This is a common concern amongst parents. Perhaps you have a teenager who is eager to join a gym…

Boost Confidence in Teens and Tweens with Fitness

A staggering 90% of Australian young people have some concern about their body image. We all know that navigating the tween and teen years can…

Is Strength Training Safe for Teens?

As parents, it’s natural to be concerned about the safety of your children. While strength training in teens has been growing in popularity, some parents…

The pursuit of longevity: how to live long and well

The longing for longevity is a quest as old as time. Who doesn’t want to stay young and full of energy forever?! We all want…

Mental Health Benefits of Improving Fitness

In a fast-paced world where most of us are juggling work pressures and family demands, it can feel like there is very little time left…

The Importance of Strength Training Over 40

There’s something about hitting 40 that makes many people want to care for their body in a new way. Maybe you’re trying to walk the…

5 Strength Exercises for Runners

Running is a great way to stay fit.  Who doesn’t love the “runners high” with the rush of endorphins and sense of accomplishment?! But to…

4 Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

Having good core strength is not about getting a six pack.  Think about your core as all the muscles from your shoulders to your hips…

Making Waves – in & out of the Pool!

The truth is that the world of competitive sports is far from static and is constantly changing. Significant change has resulted from recent advances in science and technology. Sport science and medicine play a very important part in the performance of a swimmer. Science can maximize potential and help fine-tune the athlete, making small improvements in the swimmer’s performance, which is often significant as just a few hundredths of a second can decide the result of races. At Fitter Futures Athlete Academy, emerging athletes can access specialised strength and conditioning programs specifically tailored to each athlete. Tiny tweaks to technique can improve flexibility, strength, and efficiency in the water—and result in faster times. We aim to help athletes achieve their personal best while having fun in a safe environment. Every athlete at Fitter Futures is encouraged to compete, to be involved, to excel, to lead, to challenge and to be challenged.

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