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Progress not perfection!

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a giant leap forward only to stumble backwards” (Louis Sachar).

Everything about the world today is starting to revolve around instant gratification. In a way, some technology is actually making it harder for us to stay healthy and stick with our goals. Why are humans wired to prioritize instant gratification? How does the instant ‘win’ lead us astray from our goals?

Human nature is embedded in an “immediate-return environment” inherited from early humans and the animal kingdom, where survival and goals were daily concerns (Olson, 2016). These days, however, instant gratification works against us, not for us. The number one obstacle to achieving our goals is neglecting to take the small actions that support them. This obstacle occurs because it’s very easy to procrastinate small, important, but less noticeable actions in favour of more prominent or exciting actions.

If you are looking for the instant gratification of a “magic bullet” instead of looking to make steady progress, you will remain stuck in inaction, desperately hoping for your big break (Tyson, 2020). When wanting to make a lifestyle change, we often jump in the deep end. We want big changes, and we want them fast … we want to get stronger … we want to get fitter … we want to get thinner … and we want it now. However, to make sustainable change, and changes that last more than just a month, we need to look at making small steps to make progress, not perfection.

Diet and lifestyle choices throughout our lives are largely responsible for how we age (Shepherd, 2013). The key to health promotion in the 21st century is to establish an environment that supports positive health behaviour and healthy lifestyles (Vincente-Rodriguez, 2007). Fitter Futures is more than just a gym space to get your heart pumping, it can also be a place where we get your mind thinking. At Fitter Futures we offer Lifestyle and Nutrition coaching. We provide an integrated and holistic approach, which involves an initial consultation setting realistic goals and applying achievable strategies that will enhance and improve healthy habits – not just in one area, but in all. Our qualified coaches provide tailored plans and check in with members weekly to be able to adjust and modify strategies to suit daily life from week to week. The aim is to provide a service that seamlessly integrates into your life, thereby creating habits that will keep you on track for life.

Make progress, not perfection. Make a start, don’t delay. Change your habits, improve your lifestyle. Forge a fitter future!

Olson, J. “The Slight Edge”,2016, Greenleaf Publishing.
Shepherd, A. “The role of nutrition in maintaining good health later in life”. Nursing and Residential Care, Volume 11, Issue 7, September 2013 URL: http: //doi.org/10.12968/nrec.2009.11.7.42832 (accessed 10/10/22)
Tyson, A. “Instant Gratification Does Not Help You Make the Progress You Really Want”, 2020, https://www.architechsports.com/blog/2020/11/24/instant-gratification-does-not-help-you-make-the-progress-you-really-want  (accessed 11/10/22
Vincente-Rodriguez, G. Et al. “Healthy Lifestyle by Nutrition in Adolescence”. Therapies, Volume 62, Issue 3, May-June 2007, pp. 259-270

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