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International Women’s Day brings into focus the importance of strong and fearless women and girls who should be encouraged and supported to be leaders, big thinkers and game changers – exactly what our world needs more of right now. Taryn Brumfitt, 2023 Australian of the Year, advocates us to EMBRACE who we are … how strong we are … how we look … how we can EMBRACE ourselves to make change.

Globally on March 8, we celebrate women’s achievements – socially, economically, culturally, and politically. We use the day as a call to action to accelerate women’s equality. With increased media attention, greater sponsorship, mainstream television coverage and big wins for women’s sports in particular, there has been massive progress made towards creating an equal platform for women sporting champions. Often to mark International Women’s Day, groups around the world come together to highlight women’s equality within their specific arena – and sport is certainly an important area to mark the day.

Founder of BoxMate, Danny Redfern, said: “Fitness and strength is something to be celebrated and being strong is beautiful. Strength comes in all shapes and sizes – health, fitness, and feeling good about yourself should be the goal for all of us … Let’s stop it being OK to tell a woman that she is ‘too muscly’ and instead, celebrate everyone equally for wanting to push and challenge themselves. Let’s ditch the stereotypes that ‘muscles are just for men’ and celebrate women for what they can do, and not what they look like’ (IWD).

The role models at Fitter Futures are not only incredibly impressive athletes in their own right, but also strong advocates of leading a happy, healthy and strong life. They are our coaches. They are our adult members. They promote being proud of everything your body has done, is doing and will do in the future (Kara Saunders). The atmosphere created in Fitter Futures brings about a feeling of confidence – a feeling that the appearance of each and every body type is a by-product of that amazing function and performance. There is something incredibly empowering about this correlation between strength and beauty (Harley).

Our Fitter Futures community continues to attract women of all backgrounds. Many stories … common goals … EMBRACING equity … making change … showcasing strength inside and out! Think it. Be it. Do it. Value it. Truly EMBRACE it.

Strong women … know them … be them … raise them!

Harley, F. (2022). Because Strong is not the opposite to Feminine. URL: (30/1/23)
International Women’s Day. Female Cross Fitters told they’re too ‘muscular’ for a woman. URL: (30/1/23)
Machado, S. (2020). The Influence of Sports Participation on Body Image, Self Efficacy, and Self Esteem in College Students. URL: (30/1/23).
Mannheim, M. (2023). Body Image campaigner, Taryn Brumfitt, who directed Embrace, named 2023 Australian of the Year. URL: (30/1/23).

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