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Results For Category: "Youth Health & Fitness"

Screen Time vs Green Time

Like most parents, we often find ourselves in a love-hate relationship with screens. Sometimes, a few minutes of Minecraft or an episode of a television series buys us all a much needed break, but inevitably we feel guilty. Are we failing our kids? Are we melting their brains? Are we giving them too much screen time? Perhaps we need to change the narrative and look at it differently. Rather than focussing on reducing screen time, perhaps it may be more helpful to find ways to increase green time into their schedule.

STRONG IS BEAUTIFUL – a new narrative

At Fitter Futures, strong is beautiful. The role models at Fitter Futures are not only incredibly impressive athletes in their own right, but also strong advocates of leading a happy, healthy and strong life. They are our coaches. They are our adult members. They promote being proud of everything your body has done, is doing and will do in the future.

Meddling in the Middle

Adolescents are diverse in development, interests and needs. At Fitter Futures, we see ourselves as part of your wider support network and aim to play an important role in maintaining this love of life, learning, health and fitness in your adolescent.


The role of coaching should not be undervalued. Coaches, have a very special role to play – they are facilitators for future generations and at Fitter Futures, we have the best coaches, forging and facilitating a fitter future for all.

If she can see it, she can be it!

International Women’s Day brings into focus the importance of strong and fearless role models for young women and girls. Today’s girls are talented, ambitious and accomplished. They’re wise beyond their years. But they’re burdened as well, pressured to grow up too fast, before they’ve had a chance to explore who they are and who they wish to be.

Help! My child does not enjoy team sport.

Team sports, or organised sport, isn’t for everyone.  The danger is if we don’t find some form of exercise that is of a high enough intensity to challenge their growing bodies (to develop their strength and cardiovascular fitness), then those kids and teens will grow up with sub-optimal health. 

Moody teenagers – how movement helps

MOVEMENT WILL CHANGE YOUR MOOD IN A POSITIVE WAY. The science proves it. So if you or your child is struggling with mood and emotions GET MOVING!

Do you have a 12 year old girl or boy who has given up on sport?

At Fitter Futures we work with many girls who are feeling anxious, insecure, and low in confidence about themselves, their bodies and their physical capability. Some have dropped out of sport. Others have never liked sport or exercise generally.

Teenage girls and exercise – how Fitter Futures is helping girls build confidence and motivation

At Fitter Futures we work with many girls who are feeling anxious, insecure, and low in confidence about themselves, their bodies and their physical capability. Some have dropped out of sport. Others have never liked sport or exercise generally.

Why kids and teens should exercise before school

Sam Mathers, Founder of Fitter Futures explains the benefits of exercise on the brain and learning, and why kids & teens should exercise before school.