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Fitter Futures becomes a Brand X Method Lab

Fitter Futures  has been chosen as A Brand X Method™ Lab

Something we are really proud of is the recent announcement that Fitter Futures has been appointed as a Brand X Method Lab.

What does that mean exactly? Well one of the best attributes of A Brand X Method™ is their quest to continuously improve and evolve their methodology of coaching youths … to make sure that their program is always at the forefront of ‘what is best’ for kids and teenagers.

Until recently, they had their own A Brand X Method™ training centre in California where they were able to test out new ideas, concepts and theories relating to coaching kids and teens. (The Martins relocated to another part of the USA and sadly, the A Brand X Method™ gym in California closed as a result).

So that A Brand X Method™ can continue its important work continuously developing, improving and evolving best methods for coaching kids, A Brand X Method™ appointed it’s best 3 Training Centres from around the world to become a A Brand X Method™ Lab.  And we are one of them!  (There is another in Ireland, and a third in the USA).

So how does this benefit our members?  As a Brand X Method Lab, our members will be the first to trial and experience new programming and coaching techniques.  And our coaches will be at the forefront of all the latest developments coming from A Brand X Method™ leadership in youth strength & conditioning.  So effectively, our members will truly be the beneficiaries of the latest and greatest, world’s best youth fitness program!

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